The Trust also provides grants to both charities and individuals with the purpose of benefitting the Blackwall Reach Community at large.
Funding is specifically designed for individuals or organisations in the Blackwall Reach development area. This is defined as:

The area to the north-west of the Blackwall Tunnel in London, E14 and identified by the London Borough of Tower Hamlets as the Blackwall Reach Regeneration Area which is framed by:

  1. East India Dock Road and Ashton Street to the North
  2. Robin Hood lane (Blackwall Tunnel Approach) to the east, in the northern part of the area – and extending beyond Quixley Street to the east in the southern part of the site, bordered in the south by Aspen way; and
  3. Cotton Street and Prestons Road to the west

Blackwall Reach Trust accepts applications under four funding streams:
Please Read our Grant Funding Policy and Application Guidance Notes before you apply for more information on eligibility, please see our How to Apply page for information on how to submit your application.

The Give it a go Grant

The Give it a go Grant is available only to individuals for the purpose of kickstarting new and innovative community projects which meet a currently unmet need in the community.

  • Grants are up to a maximum of £500.
  • Applicants must be based in the Blackwall Reach area.

Download the Give it a go grant application form here.

The Helping Hand Grant

This funding is specifically available to households claiming Universal Credit with children, to supports the child’s personal needs and development.

  • Applicants must be based in the Blackwall Reach area.
  • Applications must be endorsed.
  • Grants are up to a maximum of £500.

Download the Helping Hand Grant application form here.

The Grants to Organisations Fund

This funding is available to fully constituted groups and organisations who wish to deliver community projects, which are needs based and clearly demonstrate community benefit.

  • Applications can be made up to the value of £20,000.
  • This funding supports projects up to one year in duration.
  • Applicants must be based in the Blackwall Reach area.

Download the Grants to Organisations application form here.

The ‘Big’ Project Fund

Applications can be made for amounts between £20,001+ (for projects to one year in duration) and up to a maximum of £50,000 (over two years).

Applicants must be fully constituted groups and organisations with a proven track record of project delivery and be more than one year old, with a full set of accounts available.

  • Applicants must be based in the Blackwall Reach area
  • Download the Big Project Fund application form here.